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Interests moderation rules

All interests should be nouns. You may use plurals, phrases, dashes and parentheses.

For example:
Quiet café
Meet on LovePlanet
Feng Shui
Game of Thrones (Series)
Moderator will decline
  1. Interests containing words: like, love, want, adore, look for, my, your, listen, read, work, etc.

  2. Interests containing errors, not compliant with standards of the English language or using invalid characters.

    For example:
    intellectual books
    business tranings
  3. Several interests grouped together.

    For example:
    kitties, girls, pasta
    horses and make-up
    tall smart men
  4. Obscenities (mentioning sexual intercourse, genitals or adult service offers).

  5. Interests containing rude remarks, insults, threats or abusive language.

  6. Interests containing propaganda of violence, drugs, pornography, intolerance, fueling discord or violating current legislation in any other way.

  7. Interests containing contact information (phone numbers; VKontakte, Skype or ICQ IDs; e-mail addresses).

  8. Advertising content.

  9. Interests in a foreign language, unless it is the name of a band, a movie, a music or dance style or another term that does not have a commonly used counterpart in English.

    For example:
    horror films
  10. Any content that does not qualify as an interest, hobby or pursuit; that makes no sense or defies common sense.

    For example:
    all sorts
    beautiful and smart
    To be or not to be?
    Read the Blog
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