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HEARToFF♥aDOL, 34 - 30 April 2007 00:08

Edited:30.04.07 16:18
[COLOR=violet][[COLOR=red][SIZE=+1][FONT=Courier][COLOR=violet][B]We’ve known not enough each other:
Sometimes you were cruel to me
But now I’m sure, that you are inside another!
Let me feel again your sweet touch,
Because I know you want it crazy too
As me so much!
Don’t let me go away today
Not to be sorry some day.
I’m not a stupid girl from that crowd,
But I want you to tell about…
That I need you baby!
Is it love? I don’t know,
But everything may be!
P.S. That day I met you not to luse,
I’ll wait for you and ask you to promise not to forget me.
For my the Best Man in the World only.[/B][/COLOR][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/COLOR]
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