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Desenchantee.., 83 - 2 November 2009 01:39

I still believe in your eyes
I just don't care what
You've done in your life.
Baby i'll always be here by your side
Don't leave me waiting too long,
Please come by!

I still believe in your eyes
There is no choice,
I belong to your life.
Because i, i live to love you someday
You'll be my baby
And will fly away

And i'll fly with you,
I'll fly with you,
I'll fly with you
And i'll fly with you.

Every day and every night,
I always dream that
You are by my side.

Oh, baby, every day and every night,
Will i say everything
is gonna be all right!

And i'll fly with you,
I'll fly with you,
And I'll fly with you
I'll fly with you
I'll fly with you.
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