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POFIGist, 88 - 25 May 2011 09:58

Хочешь стать миллионером - спроси меня как !!!!!

I wish to invest secretly and confidentially through you; the total investment amount is $36.5 million dollars and will be shipped to you in three batch. The first trunk batch contains the amount of $12.5 million dollars tightly packaged in a trunk box and presently placed in the vault of a Holding Company for safe-keeping purposes.
You will take responsibility for the shipping cost and other fees of the first batch. You must pay all costs for shipping to the Holding Company and upon delivery to you, you must deduct your own share of 10% (which is $1,250.000.00 dollars) as your salary and to cover all expenses you make in shipping costs.
The remaining $11,250.000.00 dollars, you must keep in your care until my arrival in your country to meet you face-to-face so that we can discuss all investment options.
Afterwards, the remaining two batches (total of $24 million dollars) will be shipped to you based on your excellent and honest performance on first initial investment.

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Tet , 25 May 2011 17:12
И куда первый взнос придет, чей-то не поняла мне или тебе?
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Elina , 58 25 May 2011 15:13
С английским на "ты"?! ;)
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